יצא לי להתקין Ubuntu על מחשב נייד של טושיבה, Satellite 2180CDT. בזיהוי הדיפולטיבי של החומרה, המסך זוהה באופן כזה שגרם לזה שהתצוגה תראה כמו נסיון להקטין את התמונה ואז להגדיל אותה: גבשושיות וחוסר־חדות. הפתרון של הבעיה מאוד פשוט; הנה הוא, לטובת אחרים:
After installing Ubuntu Linux (or, in theory, other Linux distributions; the only distribution I tried to install Toshiba’s computers was Ubuntu) on Toshiba’s computers (the Sattelite 2180CDT laptop in my case), the detected video-device may be misconfigured. This misconfiguration may result in stretched video output, displaying big, ugly, and unequal in size pixels. It happens due to a hack Toshiba made on its computers, in order to make it possible to emulate low-resolution setups on high-resolution monitors.
If you use XFree86®, edit the /etc/X11/xfreeXF86Config file according to the following instruction; if you use x.org (which is, by the way, much better a choice than XFree86®), edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.
At the "Device" section, the device may be configured as s3virge (you can search for "Device" or "s3virge" in the file). Change it to vesa and (re)start X. The problem should be solved by doing this. In case it had not been solved, try to lower the resolution of the monitor in use.